Ending The Year Strong

Posted: December 29, 2013 in Uncategorized
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So 2013 was an uphill battle for you. You probably didn’t get to where you think you should have on the road to your weight-loss or fitness journey. Maybe it was due to the fact that you slipped up where you should have been a bit more disciplined, maybe you took too many days off from the gym or simply fell off the bandwagon altogether. Guess what? It’s okay! What’s most important going into the New Year is that you DO NOT repeat the same habits that you got you “unwanted results”; success or failure, regardless of outcome is still a result. What we want to work on now is correcting those behaviors and not waiting until 2014 to correct them.

1. Be specific 

Where did you go wrong? Was it your meal planning (not hitting your macros? Just eating junk all of the time or not having the knowledge in terms of what to eat based on macro count?) Was it not having a solid work-out plan or lacking the discipline to stick to your program? Let’s get real and raw. Write down what it was.

2. Take MASSIVE Action. 

It may hurt to admit it but you fell off! You want to be in the best shape you can possibly be in, right? Now lets take massive action which means no longer making EXCUSES as to why we can’t do it. You must take the first step to correct the above problems.

3. Keep A Journal 

You want to log and track everything that you’re doing (i.e. what you’re eating, how much weight you’ve lifted and what the next goal is.) You can even have weekly challenges set for yourself and when you meet that challenge, REWARD yourself. It doesn’t have to be a “guilty” pleasure, as I’m a practitioner of the IIFYM concepts but within reason. It can be perhaps, taking YOURSELF out to the movies or choosing an alternative.


You want people who will hold you accountable moving forward into 2014. Let’s end the stop and go madness and remain consistent. Only you are responsible for the results you’d like to see and only YOU can change the outcome.

5. E-mail me for your initial consult. (fitforlife84@gmail.com)

I’m available to help you from meal planning, work-out programming, life coaching and the like. Do not hesitate to contact me to learn more about the services provided.

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